Powered By Communities.
The communities we work with fuel our determination, and facilitate everything that we do! We wish to work with more communities and inculcate the essence of unity, trust, and growth.
We are glad and honoured to have these amazing people from different corners of the country with us. With each of our experience, you will create a new family with these adorable and inspiring individuals.

Umesh Da & Bimla Di
Meet the sweetest couple of Manshi gaaon, near Darjeeling. Umesh da works as a mason, and Bimla di is helps at a household in Darjeeling. They are one adorable couple with an enthusiastic energy and, they LOVE feeding their guests - SERIOUSLY.
They will always greet you with a smile - no matter who you are! Their humour will melt your heart, and their pure hearts will immediately make you a part of their family. We are so excited for you to meet this cute couple and their entire family.
Bichi Bhai
An award-winning Olive ridley turtle conservationist, Bichitrananda Biswal who is fondly called Bichi bhai, is our dearest member at Camp Bichi.
His is a story of absolute inspiration, and determination. He dropped out of school at the age of 10 and dedicated his entire life to turtle conservation in Odisha's Astaranga. Even today, you will find him in his simple get up with a smile on his face, walking the length of the beach, scanning for troubles, and saving any turtle coming ashore.