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Terms and Conditions

General Terms & Conditions apply as follows:
a) Gilehrio is obliged to have the cottage and camps ready for the client and to provide the service as contracted. 
b) In order to use the cottage / camping facilities and additional services the client is obliged to pay the valid price respectively the price as contracted. This also applies to services and expenses of the hotel towards third arranged by the client. 
c) The prices contracted usually include the legal GST unless otherwise mentioned. Provided, the time period between conclusion and performance of the contract exceeds four months and the generally calculated price for hotel services increase, Gilehrio has the right to increase the contracted price adequately, however by 5% at the most. 
d) Gilehrio reserves the right to adjust prices in case the client requires later amendments regarding the contracted number of rooms, hotel services or length of stay and the hotel agrees to it. 
e) Invoices of Gilehrio without settlement date are payable with no discount within one day of the invoice date if not contracted differently. In case of delay of payment, Gilehrio has the right to charge penal interest. 
f) Gilehrio reserves the right to charge an appropriate advance payment upon conclusion of the contract or later with regard to legal terms of all-inclusive traveling. The amount of the advance payment and payment date must be contracted in writing. 
g) The client is only entitled to offset or reduce a hotel claim subject to an indisputable or legally valid claim.

h) Gilehrio is liable to send you the correct product as per your documented order. However, we accept no changes or refunds in normal circumstances unless there has been an error made by us. 

i)The use of this site and the data on it is copyrighted by Gilehrio - any copying or untoward sharing might attract legal action. 

j)Your user data is used by us only for our own business and will not be shared with third party unless it is required for the fulfilment of regulation or our service. 

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